Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

We went to Las Vegas on Wednesday the 17th for a couple appointments and to sign the paperwork for our "new" house on base. We are so excited and can't wait to move in. But we are also really enjoying being able to be with family for the holidays. It's been really fun to have other people around and to show the kids off. Going to Virginia by myself was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am so thankful for the blessings of the Lord. I see them in my life every day. The Lord has blessed our family in many ways. I hope that I can bless others in the way I have been blessed.

We came back to Kanab for a couple days, then on Monday we drove to Orem to visit Aunt Kelley, Uncle Damon and Elena. We dropped Aunt Mariah off with them, then headed to Temple Square to meet up with my sister and her kids. Savanna and AJ had a blast playing with Raquel, Isaac and Miguel. It was very fun to stay at Jose's parents house and for the kids to have a little bit of time to play together! Thanks Benites'!!!

On Tuesday we went to visit my Grandpa Crowther's sister. I haven't seen Aunt Valeea for over 5 years, so that was very good to be able to visit with her for a few minutes. And snap a couple photos!

Right after that, we headed back to Orem to pick up Mariah and then head back to Kanab before it got dark and cold (icy). We got home just about 1/2 hour after the sun went down. It was a whirlwind of a trip, but well worth being able to visit cousins!

We hope everyone has been as blessed this year as we have been. I can see the hand of the Lord in everything and everyday. Merry Christmas!

From Mariah: Dora Toothbrushing set

To Grandpa: Favorite cookie dough: Chocolate chip raisin oatmeal cookies

Talking to Shawn

Opening the parfume from Shawn

Dress I made for Savanna


First thing, waking up Christmas morning

Jesus Gifts

Playing Piano

Savanna and Kelsey Bunting playing horsey

The cutest Santa I've ever seen!

We went to Orem, Salt Lake City, and Bountiful on Monday and Tuesday-We made a snowman at Aunt Kelley's house.

The Jorgenson Cousins: Savanna, Isaac, Raquel, AJ, Miguel

Isaac, Lisa, Aunt Valeea, Savanna, Trish, AJ, Raquel

Savanna, AJ and Trish at the Salt Lake Temple

Savanna (and AJ behind) at the Temple

Building our snowman

Savanna started the middle part
Snow, snow, and more snow!!!!!

Savanna didn't want to sit with Santa, so we just got a picture with AJ!

We made a gingerbread house that we bought while we were down in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

On our way back from Las Vegas, we stopped in Hurricane for the night because the weather was really bad. The next morning, AJ was walking in the snow with his cup of cherrios.

AJ dancing!

More dancing

Savanna opening gifts from Daddy!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


1. Where is your cell phone? pants
2. Your significant other? Shawn
3. Married? ya
4. Your mother? Anne
5. Your father? Pete
6. Your favorite thing? Softball
7. Your dream last night? Forgot
8. Your favorite drink? Water
9. Your dream/goal? travel
10. The room you're in? office
11. Your fear? paralysis
12. In 20 years? retire
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. What you're not? perfect
15. Muffins? ya
16. One of your wish list items? love
17. Where you grew up? basin
18. The last thing you did? breakfast
19. What are you wearing? pjs
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pet? kids
22. Your computer? dad's
23. Your life? military
24. Missing someone? Shawn
25. Your car? escape
26. Something you're not wearing? Socks
27. Your favorite color? blue
28. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
29. Last time you cried? headache
30. Four places I go over and over: Crib, table, BX, commissary
31. Four people who email me: Becca, Mom, Shawn, Lisa
32. Four of my favorite foods: Steak, Bread, Yogurt, Fuji's
33. Four places I would rather be: Nellis, Florida, Washington, home
34. Four people I think will respond: Becca, Mariah, Lisa, Mom

Friday, December 19, 2008

year in review

where​ did you begin​ 2008?​ at the church party in Basin City-cooking pancakes
what was your statu​s by valen​tines​ day? married
were you in schoo​l any time this year?Almost, but the school messed up and told me incorrect information about my financing, so it didn't happen.
did you ever go to the hospi​tal?​ Just once, well the dr is at the hospital, so if you include check-ups for the kids
did you have any encou​nters​ with the polic​e?​ Nope
where​ did you go on vacat​ion?​ I went to WA in Jan with the kids, then back again before Shawn left to Iraq, then to Kanab before Shawn's training for his deployment.
what did you purch​ase that was over $​500?​ Elliptical and Treadmill, computer for Shawn
did you know anybo​dy who got marri​ed?​ Sister-in-law Kelley
were you in any weddi​ngs?​ Ya, I was a bride's maid in Kelley's wedding
did you know anybo​dy who passe​d away?​ I don't think so
did you move anywh​ere?​ Feb 15th, I moved on base, then in Sept moved to Virginia, moved the day after Thanksgiving to Kanab, where I will be until Jan 8th, then I move back to Vegas into the same house I lived in before.
what sport​ing event​ did you atten​d?​ None that I can think of
what conce​rts/​​​​​​shows​ did you go to? None
where​ do you live now? today: in Kanab with family
descr​ibe your birth​day?​ Away from my husband for the 2nd year in a row. I think I was in Utah for my b-day.
what are somet​hings​ you thoug​ht you would​ never​ do but did in 2008?​ Move a whole bunch of times, leave my house in Virginia, and plan on not going back ever.
what has/​have been your favor​ite momen​ts?​ Getting to spend time with Becca, visiting family
what'​s somet​hing you learn​ed about​ yours​elf?​ I'm stronger than I ever thought
any new addit​ions to your famil​y?​ not this year
what was your best month​?​ July
what music​ will you remem​ber 2008 by? I don't know
who has been your best drink​in buddy​?​ don't drink
made new frien​ds?​ Ya, Kirsten, Emily, others too.
favor​ite night​s out? dates with my husband
any regre​ts?​ Umm, just that I wish I could be more patient and not so quick to get angry about things.
overa​ll,​ how would​ you rate this year?​ probably the best yet
what would​ you chang​e about​ 2008?​ Not move back to Virginia, but then again, it's good that I did cause we got the house all fixed up and more ready to sell when someone comes along to buy it.
other​ than home,​ where​ did you spend​ most of your time?​ with family
have any life chang​es in 2008?​ Husband deployed to Iraq in September for 6 months
chang​e your hairs​tyle?​ Ya, I finally chopped it, I was so tired of the same hair day after day, now I actually do it every once in a while
get a new job? Ya, in Jan I started working at the youth center. In March I quit that and started as a home day-care provider on base
how old did you turn this year?​ 24
do you have a new years​ resol​ution​?​ Be more patient and slower to anger, live in each moment, spend more time out with my husband, of course, loose 10 lbs, gotta put that in.
did anyth​ing embar​rassi​ng?​ oh ya, but can't think of anything right now
buy anyth​ing new from ebay?​ I thought everything on ebay was used, and yes I made some ebay purchases.
what was/​were your favor​ite purch​ases? elliptical machine
did you get marri​ed or divor​ced?​ nope
get arres​ted?​ nope
be hones​t,​ did you watch​ ameri​can idol?​ only flipping through, or if there wasn't anything else on
did you get sick this year?​ a couple colds, and a bad flu bug in Nov.
start​ a new hobby​?​ just this blog
been snowb​oardi​ng?​ nope, but I'd love to learn
are you happy​ to see 2008 go? Ya
drank​ starb​ucks in 2008?​ nope
been naugh​ty or nice?​ yup
what are you wishi​ng for in 2009?​ my house to sell or something, my husband to come home safe, to love my kids more and be more patient with them, to get away from my kids at least once a month for a date

Monday, December 8, 2008

House on Base

Yeah! We got a house on base. Our move in is January 8th.
Our new address will be
12 B Swaab St
Las Vegas, NV 89115

And yes, we are moving back into the house that we were in 3 months ago! That's probably a once in ever thing for anyone to move on base into the same house twice!

We are very excited and can't wait!!!!

The Last 2 Weeks

Well, it has been a while since I've posted, and we've had a long few days in the last 2 weeks! So, this is a really long post, but enjoy our journey from Buena Vista, Virginia to Kanab, Utah!
Sunday waiting for church time!

My little posing girl.
Drawing on a piece of paper.

Trying to get AJ to hold still for a picture. Ended up with a tackle move!

Standing on the counter. (Yes I let my kids stand on the counter)

Once AJ was on the counter, Savanna had to get up there too.

Okay, while I was cleaning up the house, Savanna decided she wanted to get into my makeup and put some on.

This is the beautiful end result!

She was so proud of her work.

A close-up.

Then of course AJ needed some blush. He was so happy about it too!

AJ brought my shoe to me and wanted to wear it. So, Savanna took a picture of him.

One of mama's shoes and one of AJ's shoes!

He walks so carefully so he doesn't fall over.

Savanna found a paint stick in the cupboard. She decided it would work great as a nail file! Hahaha

Lovin' the vacuum

I told AJ it was time to get dressed. He went in my room and brought me this shirt. So, I put it on him.

On Wednesday, we decided to come back out to Utah and stay with Grandma and Grandpa Rhinehart until we can get back in a house on base.
This was Thanksgiving day, Savanna decided that we were going to have Thanksgiving dinner at our house, so she set the table.
We had meatballs for lunch, so she gave one to everybody.
I thought it was so cute.

Our trip began to Utah! We left on Friday about noon after finishing up getting the house cleaned and the car all packed up! It was a "fun" trip. I don't think I ever want to do it again! But, we made it out here safe and the car drove well. We stayed 2 nights in hotels. And arrived in Kanab about 6:30 pm on Sunday night. I took some pictures along the way. I know, I know.

Interesting cross on the side of the road.

This is what happens when you give your camera to your 3 year old and let her take some pictures.

And again

Welcome to Tennessee

There were 4 of these small office looking modular homes in a row on the interstate.
This was in Memphis, TN

The bridge between Tennessee and Arkansas

I don't remember why, but Savanna wanted me to take a picture of her fingers.

Cool looking church.

I kinda missed half of the Oklahoma sign, so I took this one below also.

Oklahoma city

Awesome water park slide.

This is for my brother Daniel. He rode out with us when we moved to Virginia, and we saw all these huge windmills.


The sun is going down.

Beautiful sunset.

We passed the Texas border after dark.

Then we passed into New Mexico a couple hours later.

Las Vegas, New Mexico, sorry wrong one. would have been nice about this time to be getting into Las Vegas.

This is for Papa Pete.

And everyone in Washington.

These clouds were so pretty, they made the top of the mountain disappear.

We came up over this hill, I thought this was really pretty.

I missed the Utah sign, sorry. It came up on me too fast!

Crazy Aunt Mariah! We are so glad to be back and have help and people to talk to!

This was on the fence outside Grandpa and Grandma Rhinehart's house.

Last Wednesday was the church Christmas dinner. AJ loved his roll. He ate it with his fork, pretty cute!!

Crazy photo of Savanna

AJ loves to "talk" on my phone.

AJ likes to wear Grandma Kacky's cowboy boots.

Here's my tummy! Okay my santa belly!!

And these are my teeth. AJ has recently got his first set of molars, but hasn't yet got his "fang" teeth, so it's really cute cause he has a gap between! I hope he will get them soon.

Posing for the camera.

I think the boots are a little too tall for his little legs, he fell down in them.

AJ likes to climb up the stairs.

We went to a fair type event where they had a lot of booths kinda like a bazaar. Savanna got her hand painted with a red heart.

We put the Christmas tree up last week and put a strand of lights on it, but just yesterday got a chance to put up all the ornaments. It was really fun!

Mariah "won" she got to put the angel on. I guess this is always a contest! Or something?!?!?!!?!?!?!